San Pedro Today Articles

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Behind the Murals

This month, San Pedro Today teamed with the San Pedro Waterfront Arts District to provide a self-guided tour of a few select murals in and around Downtown San Pedro.

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Lessons of ‘A Christmas Carol’

A staged reading of Sir Patrick Stewart’s adaptation of the Dickens classic will be presented at the Warner Grand Theatre on Dec. 22. These words ushered in the greatest adventure of my life — meeting my soulmate, life partner, and future husband, Fred C. Allen. Little did I know that 29 years ago, seeing Patrick Stewart say these words in the Richard Rodgers Theatre on Broadway, from his adaptation of Charles Dickens’ novel A Christmas Carol, would fundamentally change my entire life and lead me to San Pedro.

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New Mural Coming to the Waterfront

After an extensive search, the San Pedro Waterfront Arts District is excited to announce a mural award of $13,750 to the Revival Murals team of Alonsa Guevara and James Razko. The 72×15 foot mural on the side of the Los Angeles Maritime Institute’s Building G at Berth 73 will depict the history of the shipping industry and the history of the building’s historic use as a purse seiners shop.

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Where Art Lives and Thrives

On any given day, hundreds of artists create work in San Pedro in every medium — young, old, known, and unknown — and Angels Gate Cultural Center has been a haven for the arts and creativity for over 50 years.

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Creativity, Culture, & Community. Celebrating Hispanic History Month with Gallery Azul

This month, I’m highlighting Hispanic Heritage Month, an annual celebration (Sept. 15 to Oct.15) of the history and culture of the U.S. Latino and Hispanic communities, by featuring two married artists, Ray Vasquez and Cora Ramirez-Vasquez. Their presence in the San Pedro community epitomizes how they have influenced and contributed to the Arts District by featuring Hispanic artists in Gallery Azul and through their own work.

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Arts Administrators – What Do They Do?

Arts administrators hold a special place in my heart. As a fellow executive director, I can relate to their daily triumphs and tragedies. Occasionally, I’ll be profiling the unsung heroes who make things happen behind the scenes because they are the glue keeping their nonprofits going. This month, I spoke to Carla Rojo, the Encore Theatre Group Executive Director.

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Minimalism: More than Meets the Eye

Michael Davis epitomizes the Robert Frost quote: “Any work of art must first of all tell a story.” Recently, I sat down with Davis amidst his show at the Palos Verdes Art Center to discuss his work and influences.

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How Arts Collaborations Beautify San Pedro

Sometimes, murals are more than just paint on a wall. In June 2019, the San Pedro Waterfront Arts District launched a pilot program called Adventures in Public Art to give high school art students and community members hands-on experiences creating public art.

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Stories of Spiritual Inspiration

I love to read and particularly enjoy stories about my Jewish ancestors. I discovered Guesthouse for Ganesha because a friend, Judith Teitelman, wrote it, and it starts with my middle name, Beth.

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